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Tencha Mimoto, Organic

Tencha Mimoto, Organic

Regular price $37.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $37.00 CAD
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Tencha are the names of the leaves that are ground to make matcha. Mimoto refers to the larger and heavier parts of the leaf that are usually removed before grinding the leaves. Because Tencha is made up of the large leaves of the tea plant, they tend to have a longer shelf life and a slower oxidation rate than match powder. 

Tencha leaves are grown in the shade in the days up to the harvest, similar to Gyokuro. The leaves are then steamed and dried without rolling. The resulting tea leaves have high levels of Theanine and has a rich, sweet and umami flavor. There is little astringency and few grassy notes.


Available in bulk by weight or in prepacked containers. Bulk orders are packed into one bag unless otherwise requested. Prepacked containers are packed by weight, not volume. Sizing guides are approximate and may change from harvest to harvest.


Kyoto, Japan



Sizing Guide

One ounce makes approximately 15 - 20 cups.

Brewing Guide

Brew 1 - 2 tsp per 8 oz of water at 175°F for 1.5 - 2 minutes. Some leaves may float to the top when brewing - make sure to tap them down to properly brew.

How your order is packed

Items ordered by ounces or pounds are packed into one bulk bag. For example, if you order 5 ounces of peppercorns, you will receive one bag with 5 ounces of peppercorns inside. If you would like individual 1 oz bags, please add a note to your order at check out. All of our zipper bags can be composted at home.

Water Temperature Guide View full details